Laura Portsmouth FdA, MBACP Integrative Humanistic Counselling in Farnborough Call: 07800 512 918 or email:

Tips for better sleep. Good sleep

Tips for better sleep

Try to cut out caffeine from midday onwards, it really does take the body many hours to deal with the increased stimulation, perhaps needed in the mornings, but greatly hinders a more restful sleep.

Try to not consume any food after 7pm as this gives the body optimal chance to rest and digest what it has absorbed up to that point, therefore aiding more restful sleep.

It really is beneficial to remove any electronic devices from the bedroom if possible as it has been proven that this keeps the brain stimulated. Furthermore, it makes it harder to fall asleep due to the blue light emitted from mobile phone screens reducing the production of melatonin, the hormone needed for our sleep/wake cycle (known as circadian rhythm).

Try to remove or cover up any clock you have next to your bed. If you do wake up during the night, it can be so unhelpful when trying to get back to sleep, knowing how much time you have left before it is time to actually start your day. By not seeing or being tempted to look (because of not being able to look), increases the likelihood of actually feeling able to get back to sleep due to eliminating the opportunity the brain has to get stressed about the time!

Try repeating and focusing on only one word in your brain and not allowing anything else in at all. The word `nothing` works for me and has proved to have been helpful for previous clients with sleeping problems. It is all about minimising brain activity as much as possible and teaching yourself how to switch off from allowing any other thoughts in when you are so needing and wanting to reach sleep. Choose one word that does not lead your brain to thinking about anything else.

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